Community Calendar
Published 8:52 pm Friday, March 2, 2018
- March is National Peanut Month, and to celebrate, we ask that you share your peanut stories with us. The museum is writing a book about Isle of Wight County’s agricultural history, and we need your help documenting peanuts…as well as pork, cotton, wheat, soybeans, corn, potatoes and more. Share your photos, documents, memories and drawings and more so that Isle of Wight County’s agricultural story will be preserved for future generations. For an appointment, please email or contact or 357-0115.
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Saturday, March 3
Food bank collections: The Women’s committee of the Isle of Wight Farm Bureau will collect non-perishable food items for our local food banks until Monday, March 26. Please bring your items to a Farm Bureau office at 79 East Windsor Blvd., Windsor, or 225C Battery Park Road, Smithfield.
“Harvey” playing at Smithfield Little Theatre: This will be through Sunday, March 4, at 210 N. Church St. Elwood P. Dowd insists on including his friend Harvey in all of his sister Veta’s social gatherings. Trouble is, Harvey is an imaginary six-and-a-half-foot-tall rabbit. To avoid future embarrassment for her family — and especially for her daughter, Myrtle Mae — Veta decides to have Elwood committed to a sanitarium. There, a frantic Veta explains to the staff that her years of living with Elwood’s hallucination have caused her to see Harvey also, and so the doctors mistakenly commit her instead of her mild-mannered brother. For more information, call 357-7338 or visit,
Tuesday, March 6
Isle of Wight Avengers: Katherine Hamilton, whose black ancestor served in the Confederate Army, will be the guest speaker. The social begins at 6 p.m. in the clubhouse, 14138 Norsworth Drive, Carrollton. This event is also a potluck dinner, so bring a dish.
Friday, March 9
Bethlehem Jam: Randy Grigg and “The Flatland Bluegrass Country Band” perform from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Bethlehem Ruritan Club House, 140 Manning Rd. Suffolk. No admission charge, but donations to the tip jar go to the band so please give generously. Soft drinks, BBQ, hot dogs, snacks and desserts will be available for purchase. For more information, call 617-5955.
Firehouse Bluegrass: The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Carrollton Volunteer Fire Department 15020 Carrollton Blvd. A donation of $5 for admission is requested for the featured entertainment: Josh Grigsby and County Line from Northern Neck. Hot dogs and soft drinks are available during the concert. Bring your own chair. For details, call 763-9107 or visit
Friday, March 23
Bethlehem Jam: Joe Singer and the “Texas Tidewater Connection Band” perform from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Bethlehem Ruritan Club House, 140 Manning Rd. Suffolk. No admission charge, but donations to the tip jar go to the band so please give generously. Soft drinks, BBQ, hot dogs, snacks and desserts will be available for purchase. For more information, call 617-5955.
Friday, March 16
Spring Cloverbud Camp: The Airfield 4-H Center will have a Spring Cloverbud Camp from Friday, March 16 through Sunday, March 18 for kids ages 5-8. The registration fee is $110 and is non-refundable after March. The registration deadline is Wednesday, Feb. 28. To register or for more information, call 899-4901.
Saturday, March 17
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny: Come and join us for Breakfast with the Easter Bunny from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the Airfield Conference Center, 15189 Airfield Road, Wakefield. There will be two Easter Egg Hunts. One at 9 a.m. and another at 10 a.m. For more information and reservations call 899-4901.
Saturday, March 10
BBQ Pork Chop Dinner: The Windsor Ruritan Club will offer this meal from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the clubhouse on Community Drive. Meals can be eaten in or taken out. Cost is $10 per plate. For ticket and information, contact R.A. Howell at 242-6094.
Friday, April 6
Spring Teen Fling: Call all teens. Spring Teen Fling will from Friday, April 6 through Sunday, April 8 at the Airfield 4-H Center, 15189 Airfield Road, Wakefield. Activities include campfire, canoeing, dance, movies, sports and games. For more information, visit
Friday, April 20
Environmental Education Camp: This event will be from Friday, April 20 through Sunday, April 22 at the Airfield 4-H Center, 15189 Airfield Road, Wakefield. For more information, visit
Saturday, April 21
Wakefield Ruritan Club Bash/BBQ and Shad Homecoming: Join us from 3 to 8 p.m. for fun, food and entertainment. This year’s event will host various children’s activities, display with the history of the Wakefield Ruritans and Shad Planking, cornhole tournament,a live band, BBQ and Shad, raffle with with four prizes and a beer truck.