Letter – Citizens ignored

Published 5:28 pm Friday, September 1, 2023

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To the Editor:

I’m writing to express my utter disappointment with Isle of Wight’s Board of Supervisors. Their overall lack of support and leadership concerning the Carver solar farm was absolutely disheartening. 

They, as a whole, did not listen to “the people,” their constituents. The people’s concerns were voiced and, unfortunately, fell on deaf ears. Supervisors Don Rosie and Joel Acree were the only ones who heard us. 

This board went as far as to shut down public comment on the issue while the developer was allowed to continue lobbying. The board was also supposed to be getting feedback from the task force created, specifically, for this very issue. The task force was to provide them with information to help with their decision. Since the decision was made to go ahead with the voting, without the involvement of said task force, the board really showed us, the county residents, “the people,” that our input is not important. 

It presents as a money thing now based on reports of “solo” negotiations with certain board members. I guess they didn’t read the part about our rural heritage. That slowly but surely is on its way out the door. 

I hope the residents of Isle of Wight County remember how this group of board members acted and how they did not listen to their constituents when it’s time to vote again.

Danny Orie
