Windsor Town Council’s regular April meeting moved

Published 6:07 pm Friday, March 31, 2023

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The Windsor Town Council’s regular monthly meeting for April will be moved from April 11 to April 5 at 7 p.m.

The council voted 5-1 during its March 14 meeting to make the change, with Councilman Walter Bernacki casting the lone dissenting vote because he is not available to attend in person April 5, though he indicated he would see if he could call in.

The second Tuesday of the month is the usual day for the Town Council’s regular monthly meeting, but on March 14, Town Manager William Saunders introduced to the council the reason why a departure from this schedule might be preferred for April.

“It’s come to light that both the town clerk and myself have got family obligations on spring break week, within which our April Town Council meeting falls,” he said. “So I would like to give council a choice — either we can delegate our duties to other staff members to conduct the meeting on the normal date, or town hall staff is available if you wanted to move that meeting up a week to April 4 instead of April 11, and then that way we could both be available at the meeting. So, council’s choice.”

After multiple council members noted they could not attend an April 4 meeting, discussion ensued, and Saunders brought up the possibility of meeting on a day other than Tuesday that same week. Ultimately it was determined that a quorum could be present Wednesday evening, April 5, with only Bernacki stating that he could not be in attendance.

Saunders confirmed the town had time to meet the legal requirement of advertising the meeting.

Council members voted in favor of the change, except for Bernacki, who voted “no” only because he did not anticipate being able to make the meeting.

Saunders apologized for the schedule change and difficulties associated with it.

“I can’t offset the schedule on the spring breaks for Isle of Wight County Schools,” he said. “I appreciate you working with me on that.”

“Can I do a phone-in?” Bernacki asked.

Saunders said, “Yes, I would think so.”

“I can try that,” Bernacki said.