Nottoway Indians will powwow this weekend
Published 1:55 pm Monday, September 23, 2019
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The Nottoway Indian Tribe will powwow this weekend, Sept. 21-22, at the Surry Parks and Recreation Center, 205 Enos Farm Drive. This is co-sponsored by the Virginia Nottoway Indian Circle and Square Foundation and the county’s Parks and Recreation Department.
Gates open at 10 a.m. with the grand entry at noon on Saturday; 1 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is $5 for ages 13 to adult; $3 for seniors 65 and older; $3 for children*, and free for those under 3. *Note: ages 12 and under admitted free when accompanied by an adult.
Rick Kelly will serve as master of ceremonies; John “Blackfeather” Jefferies” will be emcee emeritus. Lee “Gray Wolf” Lopez will be arena director.
Featured this year will be intertribal dancing, vendors and crafts, storytelling, educational exhibits, Native American cooking, community services information, drums by the Yapatoko Turtle Clan. Louis Campbell and Adrienne Harmon will be the head dancers.
For more information, call 686-8602 or 556-7031; email; or visit